Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Regner and Salmi at E3

Thank you to everybody at Street Factory Media, EA Games, Ford Focus and Team Detroit. The project in Los Angeles was a great experience, a lot of fun and a ton of work. Allan and I arrived in LA on June 4th, 2011 and tracked down the remaining materials necessary for the project.

We arrived at the Los Angeles Convention Center around 2:00 pm with all of our materials and began construction of the canvas stretchers. We built the 23' x 12' structure out of 2'' x 4'' douglas fir on site over two afternoons with an improvised workspace and minimal tools. The design that we came up with was a three panel construction, each 12' tall with two 8' wide panels flanking a 7' wide panel in the middle. The following day was spent stretching and priming the canvasses.

The end of the second night was spent making approximately three gallons of wheat paste in preparation for the next morning. We arrived on site by 8:00 a.m. and erected the structure. The panels were free standing and rested one foot away from the wall with a support structure designed and built by Allan and myself.

By afternoon, the panels were completely in place and we began by wheat pasting our image onto the canvas. The image was a beautiful vector line drawing that had been blown up to scale. After the wheat paste had dried, we began color mixing basic mid-tones and attacked the canvas with paint. Allan started with the male figure's shirt while I worked from the top down.

The following day, we arrived at the convention center at 8:00 A.M again to get the paint moving early. By noon, the Expo was in full swing and we were already getting buzz about the project. We met and spoke to many awesome people who were excited about the project and happy to give us encouragement for the next two days.

Typical days ranged from between 12 hours and 18 hours of work during the week that we were there. All of the color mixing was based off of primary red, yellow and blue with white and a quart of black. On the final day, Allan and I spend thirty-three hours straight painting to complete the image. We had a blast working this hard on the project and look forward to our next opportunity to exhibit our skills and dedication to new and challenging projects.

You can find images, reviews, write-ups and a time-lapse video shot by Street Factory Media on the links below.